Dandeli Places
Dandeli is a stunning destination for vacationers looking for a unique and memorable experience. With so much to do and see, it can be hard to decide where to go. This list of the top 10 attractions is sure to help make your visit to Dandeli unforgettable.

Sykes Point Dandeli
Sykes point its 20 km from Dandeli in Ambikanagar and this place comes under karnataka power corporation. To visit this place we need to take permission of chief engineer of Karanataka power corporation Ambikaganagar. This very beautiful place.

Supa Dam
Supa Dam is 25 km from Dandeli. This dam used to generate hydro power. This place comes under Karnataka power corporation. If you are visiting for river activities and rafting you can easily see this dam. This is aisa second biggest dam in height.

Nagoda Back Water view
In this place you can see the back water of supa dam where water never end . here you can view the beautiful scenery place. They also conduct boating to show the different scenery place

Syentheri Rock
syentheri is beautiful place in Dandeli from Dandeli it is 30 km towards ulavi road. it has 300 feet monolythick rock. Under this rock kaneri river flow. combition nation of both monolythick rock and river give one differant lock. So many tourist prefer to go over there..

Moulangi Ecopark
Moulangi eco park is tourist picnic spot. so many tourist come here for day out. its just 6 to 7 km from Dandeli. this place connected to kali river. Here so many water activities happen on paid base. your can also cook your food here. you can swimm in river

Dandeli Wildlife Sancture
Dandeli wildlife sancture is tiger reserve area name of this reserve is kali tiger reserve. In this reserve totaly 16 tigers are there. Some good no of laperod , panther, black panther and so many birds. and widly known for hornbill bill birds.

Desney Park
This park is just behind of dandeli main bus stand. here so many statues of cartoon charecter are kept. childer are very happy when they see these statues. and also some adventure activities are there for small chirlden

Kavala cave
.kavala cave is in dandeli wildlife sanctury from Dandeli. it 20 km almost. to goto this place first we have to come upto pansoli there we have to take ticket for kavala cave. early morning 6:00 am is entery and you will be back by 12:00 pm you come back

Crocodile Park
Crocodile park is in Dandeli. it is on the way when you are entering in to Dandeli . you can see so many crocodial which you nerver seen in your life. there is entery fess is there of rs 25

One of major thriling adventure activitities in Dandeli. By this activitie Dandeli tourism developed. There are 3 types white water rafting is there. First with in KM rafting, second 3 to 4 km and third 9.5 km rafting,

Coracle Ride dandeli
This boat widly used in villages. its round kind of boat. every one enjoy coracle ride. funny part of boat is that it rotetes roundly in river. every age groupenjoy this ride.

This is also one of the adventure activivities. This single person boat mainly youths and children enjoy this ride. In dandeli every year internation kayak festival hapeen. its conducted by katanataka tourism Dept.

It one kind of hallow balloon. in this hallow balloon person gets rotates so many time all age group can enjoy this activities.

Person slide on wire rope from certain hight and landed in river. This is called zip line. Only adventure person can enjoy this activities.

Three ropes tags on cetain hight on that person has to walk balncing on three rope. all safty equipment provided nothig worry about if person get imbalanced .

In evening water shower falls on your body you feel that you are in rain. With this shawore they play music. you can dance in rain this called rain dance.

Its normal bow and arrow game. this is called soft archery. Any age group person can play this game. it has target where arrow hits.

Jungle safari conducted by forest Dept. it happen in two time moring 6 to 8 am one bathch, another bath happen at 4 to 6 pm . it has entery fess every year they rewise. entery fess. they take you for safari in core forest